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Environment Variables

Below I have tried to list all environment variables that can be used to modify the behaviour of Chatterino. Used for things that I don't feel like fit in the settings system.


Used to change the URL that Chatterino2 uses when trying to load historic Twitch chat messages (if the setting is enabled).
Default value: (an open-source service written and currently run by @RAnders00 - visit the homepage for more details about the service)
- %1 = Name of the Twitch channel

Used to change the URL that Chatterino2 uses when trying to get link information to display in the tooltip on hover.
Default value:
- %1 = Escaped URL the link resolver should resolve


Used to change the URL that Chatterino2 uses when trying to get emote set information Default value:
- %1 = Emote set ID


String value used to change what Twitch chat server host to connect to.
Default value:


Number value used to change what port to use when connecting to Twitch chat servers.
Currently known valid ports for secure usage: 6697, 443.
Currently known valid ports for non-secure usage (CHATTERINO2_TWITCH_SERVER_SECURE set to false): 6667, 80.
Default value: 443


Bool value used to tell Chatterino whether to try to connect securely (secure irc) to the Twitch chat server.
Default value: true


Used to enable/disable logging at run time. For example: QT_LOGGING_RULES="chatterino.*.debug=true" to enable debug logging in release builds. (It's on by default in debug builds). See Qt docs for more details.


Used to customize logging at run time. For example: QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN="%{time hh:mm:ss.zzz} %{category}: %{function} %{message}" enables a timestamp and function name in log messages. See Qt docs for more details.

Last update: November 21, 2020 15:28:16
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