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Chatterino has a Search Popup which lets you quickly find messages in the chat. You can open it with the Ctrl+F shortcut.

Search filters

You can use several search filters (format filter:value) to narrow down your search.
value can have multiple comma-separated entries (look at examples below).
Surround value in quotation marks to use whitespaces within it, useful for dealing with the regex filter (added in nightly release)

  • from:<username> - shows messages from certain users (added in 2.1.4)
  • has:<flags> - shows messages containing specified elements (added in 2.1.4). List of flags:
    • link - filters messages with links
  • in:<channel> - shows messages that originate from certain channels, useful in #/mentions channel (added in 2.3.0)
  • is:<flags> - shows certain types of messages (added in 2.3.1). List of flags:
    • deleted or disabled - filters deleted messages
    • sub or subscription - filters subscription messages
    • timeout or ban - filters moderation messages
    • highlighted - filters highlighted messages
    • system - filters system messages (grey text ones like: "Now hosting username", "streamer is live", etc.)
  • regex:<regex> - shows messages matching a given regex (added in nightly release)


Shows messages from user fourtf containing word merge

from:fourtf merge
from:fourtf merge

has:link from:pajbot,zneix chatterino
has:link from:pajbot,zneix chatterino

Shows messages only from channels pajlada and supinic from user supibot

in:pajlada,supinic from:supibot
in:pajlada,supinic from:supibot

Shows subscription messages


Shows deleted messages containing word vanish

is:deleted vanish
is:deleted vanish

Shows timeout/ban messages


Shows highlighted messages


Shows messages matching a given regex


Last update: October 24, 2021 12:08:47
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