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Commands are used as shortcuts for long messages. If a message starts with the "trigger" then the message will be replaced with the Command.


Add Command Hello chat :) with the trigger /hello. Now typing /hello in chat will send Hello chat :) instead of /hello.


  • The trigger has to be matched at the start of the message but there is a setting to also match them at the end.
  • Triggers don't need to start with /

Using placeholders

  • {1}, {2}, {3} and so on can be used to insert the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... word after the trigger.
    Example: Add Command /timeout {1} 1 with trigger /warn. Now typing /warn user123 will send /timeout user123 1

  • Similarly {1+} and so on can be used to insert all words starting with the 1st, ... word.
    Example: Add Command Have a {1+} day! with trigger /day. Now typing /day very super nice will send Have a very super nice day!

  • You can use {{1} if you want to send {1} literally.

  • {} can be used to insert the name of the current channel.
    Example: Add Command /openurl{} with trigger /openchannel. Now typing /openchannel will open the current channel in your browser.
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

  • {} can be used to insert the Twitch account ID of the owner of current channel.
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

  • {} can be used to insert the Twitch username of the currently selected account.
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

  • {} can be used to insert the Twitch account ID of the currently selected account.
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

  • {stream.title} can be used to insert the title set in the current channel.
    Example: Add Command The title is {stream.title} with trigger /title. Now typing /title will send a message like The title is Programming.S04E74.1440p.MP4-XD.NVENC
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

  • {} can be used to insert the game set in the current channel.
    Example: Add Command I'm currently playing {} with trigger /game. Now typing /game will send a message like I'm currently playing World of Warcraft.
    Available in nightly since 9b9fd7d.

Last update: September 11, 2021 12:53:23
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